Campaigning . a burden .. not us

On a glorious sunny day this week three of us ventured out into Colwyn Bay’s town centre on a packed market day to take the message to the people that the older generation are alive and kicking and will not take the blame for the nations ills.

Norman, Ted and I in the name of the National Pensioners Convention told all who would stop and listen that Older people are important and an asset not a burden with every adding £40 billion to our economy. But face a challenge if we are to maintain ourselves above the poverty line.

There is no better place for an activist than out on the campaign trail arguing the case for a decent state pension and support by getting first hand views that will help that case from those most affected with not all agreeing with you.

We were told of the hardships and of those content among older people as we handed out our leaflets and got our petition signed and urging people of many accents to come and join us in the fight for justice. Norman and Ted following up in Llandudno on Wednesday.

The streets were crowded by what will be the electorate on May 7th but of the seven candidates for the Clwyd West seat there were none. It was a scene where once competing politicians gave themselves up to glad hand and face their potential constituents roused some passions, sought votes and have a pint, I’ve done it.

These very politicians could have been found that night at a “Hustings” in a school, its called preaching to the converted, they will not take to the streets, unless a minster turns up, relying on leaflets or telephones they are mostly strangers to their electorate. “The main opinion of them in the Bay was “ there’ll all the same.” No wonder no-one votes for them

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